How to celebrate women’s history month
Women’s History Month is not just a time to celebrate the achievements of women today, but to remember the long struggle that women have had to go through even in the last 100 years to obtain voting rights, the opportunity to own property, get a credit card, and so many more things most of us take for granted today.
Celebrating Women’s History Month is an especially important time to recognize the long struggle we are still enduring to receive equal pay. Just last week, the US women’s soccer team won a 6-year legal battle to be paid the same as the US men’s soccer team. It’s unbelievable to think that women still don’t get paid the same as men in 2022!
Most importantly, it’s impossible to consider the state of women during Women’s History month without mourning what is happening to women and men in Ukraine right now. We encourage everyone in our community to support the country with donations, divestment, and in your hearts. At Willow, our hearts are with everyone in Ukraine. Here are some places you can donate.
As you honor Women’s History Month, here are some suggestions:
Support Women-Owned Businesses: Women make up close to half of the U.S. labor market and, in 2019, yet, this doesn’t translate into business ownership/entrepreneurship. Only 7% of CEOs on the fortune 500 list today are female. It is essential to support women-owned businesses throughout the year but a great time to start can be this month.
Learn history: If you don’t know the history of women’s voting rights, property rights or the role women played in the world wars, it’s never too late to learn. You can read biographies or watch YoutTube videos about ways women participated in major historical events.
Mentor: If you are in a position where you can provide mentorship, make sure you’re opening doors for women in your company. Offer to help them in any way possible, and connect them to other women you know in leadership positions. Be willing to write them a recommendation and provide her with some of your career expertise.
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