Freezing your eggs is an extremely practical approach for a lot of individuals who want to have kids later in life. It has grown increasingly popular in the last few years. However, the process can be intensive and quite expensive. You should be keeping some of the following factors in mind before making your decision to freeze your eggs:
Your age: Your age will determine whether or not egg freezing is a good option. Generally speaking, the younger you are, the better your chances of having more fertile eggs. However, eggs are viable only for a few years so most women choose to freeze their eggs at around age 30 when they want to delay having children, as opposed to starting the process in their 20s.
Cost: Egg freezing can cost anywhere between 6,000 and $10,000 per cycle. Other financial considerations include medication (which brings costs up to $10,000-$12,000 per cycle), storage fees (if they’re not included in the procedure costs) which can be between $600 to $700 a year. Your age, location and number of eggs retrieved are also factors that determine how much egg freezing will cost you. Additionally, Only 19 states currently require insurance companies to supply coverage for infertility treatments, but there are options available for financial assistance.
It is not an insurance policy: Contrary to popular belief, freezing your eggs is not an insurance policy. It does not guarantee if you will be able to conceive later in life. It will depend on how many viable eggs are preserved, the quality of sperm, as well as your age and ability of your womb to carry a baby. While it can increase your chances of conceiving since the eggs are younger, prepare yourself for the possibility of it not happening.
It’s important that you know all the facets of freezing your eggs before you opt for this process to make an informed decision.
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